Generally speaking, electric skateboards have all the most important features in common. Our buying guide cares more for honing in on specific differences: battery life, max speed, visual design, durability, comfort, motor power and weight. We selected these five boards based on a balance of optimizing these features as well as how well they cater to three groups of experienced riders: beginners, intermediates, and experts.

One example would be that many skateboards function very similarly in specific weather conditions. But if one were to have wheels that performed better on wet surfaces on rainy days then we would point that out. You generally don’t want to ride skateboards, electric or otherwise, on icy grounds though. Skateboards are also supposed to be fairly portable, so bonus points will be handed out for having a fair size.




Yuneec  E-GO2

Acton Blink S

Phoenix Ryders



15 lbs


8 lbs


14 lbs


12 lbs


10 lbs




19 mph

12.5 mph

12.5 mph

15 mph

12 mph



12 miles

12 miles

18 miles

7 miles

13 miles



1800 Watt

500 Watt

400 Watt

600 Watt

700 Watt

Amazon Reviews








from $699.99







Benchwheel Dual 1800w Electric Skateboard B2


Fantastic value for money even though it is one of the priciest electric skateboard in our round-up. If you can afford it, you can’t go wrong with the Benchwheel.

  • High-quality components
  • Solid looking visuals
  • Powerful motor
  • Sturdy balance on various surfaces
  • Great battery life
  • Too heavy
  • Pink text should be a different color
  • Board may be too thin & short for taller or larger people

    Impressively the Benchwheel sports an 1800 watt motor which is much more than what you’d normally get from this price range. This naturally leads to greater max speed and torque. The max speed could reach 19mph which is pretty ideal

     This skateboard takes three hours to charge to max energy, which is a solid time frame. This allows you to charge it overnight as you sleep or when you are out at work and it will always be ready with a full charge.

    However, this boards weighs 17lbs due to its mix of 2 layers fiberglass and 3 layers of reinforced bamboo. This makes the board sturdy and keeps you balanced even at higher speeds but it also makes it a little too heavy. This does make it longer for acceleration and make it hassle carrying it in and out of house.

     Benchwheel Dual 1800w Electric Skateboard B2

    On the plus side, if you are relatively heavy set then this very well could be the board for you. The weight limit for this board is roughly 260 pounds which only makes it even more accessible to considering buyers.

    Visually, it is surprisingly impressive. The red wheels and the lettering on the surface are bright and compatible with the rest of the design. This looks like something worth double its price.

     Benchwheel Dual 1800w Electric Skateboard B2

    As for actually riding this skateboard, it delivered on all fronts. Its weight helps make you feel properly secure and it doesn’t waddle when going up or down hills. The wheels didn’t have the best resistance to slippery conditions, but it’s advised to not be riding skateboards on wet pavement in the first place.


    Affordability: 4.5/5. The value of the Benchmark is extremely good. It may be the priciest model on this list but it really packs a wallop. Owning this board will feel like buying a $1000 model that went on sale.

    Reliability: 3/5. There are some reports of the wheels and the battery biting the dust earlier than anticipated, within a couple of months. These are likely fringe faulty copies. The weight and the long acceleration can also make owning this board a little too much work for some users.

    Durability: 4/5. The wood board is really well done. The wheels feel sturdy and are always level with the ground. I only weigh 160 pounds but I bet someone twice my size wouldn’t even dent this thing.




    Great electric skateboard for beginners or those that prefer a more leisurly riding speed. The lighweight Maxfind e-skateboard charges in just 1 hour without compromising on range.

    • Very lightweight and portable
    • Good futuristic visuals
    • Works well on very wet and slippery surfaces
    • Charge time of 1 hour
    • Has a low max speed
    • Can only cater to more beginner audience

      The Maxfind has two biggest selling points: its portability and its waterproof board and wheels.

      For starters let’s look at the data. The Maxfind has a 500w motor, which is far less powerful than the 1800w of the Benchwheel. It attains a max speed of 12.5mph, again lower than the Benchwheel’s 18.5mph. But on the plus side, it only weighs 7.7 pounds, and boy does that make a difference. This board is both small and lightweight. It is very easy to just pick up in one hand just as skateboards were originally meant to be.

      This lower weight means that it accelerates faster but has a lower max speed. This effectively makes this board geared more towards casuals. It also has a lower weight limit of 176 pounds.


      Visually speaking, the dark color scheme makes it reminiscent of certain fighter stealth jets or racing sports cars. The underside of the board even exposes some of the inner circuitry surrounded by all of the carbon fiber. This gives it the futuristic look more electric boards need.

      The board may be a little too short and small, most people are fine with it, especially since this is a more beginner friendly product. On the plus side, this makes the board very portable and can even be stored in some suitcases.


      As for water-resistant capabilities, it works surprisingly well under wet conditions. The light weight of the entire package causes easier acceleration, not just the gripped design on the wheels. But even under heavy rain this thing runs pretty smoothly. It’s a noticeable difference from dry ground but it is far more stable than any other electric skateboard on watery pavement. You could probably even use this thing in the middle of a thunderstorm and it would still operate just fine.


      Affordability: 4/5. It’s hard to contest the value of this board. For its unique portability and waterproof functions, it outweighs the potential problem of relatively slow speeds.

      Reliability: 3/5. Some elements were sacrificed to boost others. It does work well on slippery surfaces but a limited max speed and weight limit only make the Maxfind most useful to beginners.

      Durability: 3.5/5. It may be small but it’s reinforced more than it looks. The ergonomic remote control is of pretty high quality components too.


      The Yuneec E-GO2 provides a fantastic mix of performance, reliability and affordability, without sacrificing on portability. This board can probably please any rider regardless of experience level.

      • Good kick tail
      • Blue color very fashionable
      • Very well designed and thick wheels
      • Great braking system
      • Most colors too off-putting
      • Remote control not very ergonomic


        The Yuneec E-GO2 has a couple of secret weapons that make it a very interesting choice for a three hundred dollar board. Plus they do come in other paint jobs if you can find them.

        The Yuneec E-GO2 is an updated version of their original electric skateboard the E-GO. Their official website reveals that not much was altered in the department of technical specifications (charge time, weight limit, etc.) but the E-GO2 does sport newer wheels and an altered kick tail. This gives this newer model superior braking capabilities and more potential for tricks. This effectively makes this model a little more geared to more intermediate or even semi-expert riders who need higher performing safety brakes for their higher speeds.

        Riding the E-GO2 is a smooth and satisfying experience. The board itself weighs 13 pounds which isn’t too heavy and is more in the range of average weight. It doesn’t take too long to accelerate either. The max speed is only something in the 12 to 15mph range but that’s not bad with a 400w motor.

        The braking system for this board is really smooth as well. Most electric skateboards have a system that is a sort of gradual decelerating. With this controller, you are in total control of how fast you want to stop, which makes this a very good skateboard in cases of an emergency like an oncoming vehicle.


        The vibrating feature of the E-GO2 gives off a little rumble underneath your feet when the battery is low. Each charge lasts for about 18.5 miles and takes 4 hours to charge, which is a decent performance output. But the low battery rumble feature is really cool .It’s like an in-built alarm clock telling you it’s time to head home.


        Affordability: 3.5/5. It doesn’t offer the most amount of features but it’s on sale for a solid price and it gets the job done.

        Reliability: 4/5. There’s some extra versatility here that many other boards don’t have. The Yuneec is great for beginners and more experienced riders alike thanks to its well-designed wheels and board.

        Durability: 3.5/5. It’s not the heaviest and most reinforced skateboard on the planet but it can withstand the normal wear and tear that most people throw at it. The paint job does tend to scuff a little too easily though.



        Action Blink S

        The Acton Blink S is a fun and very lightweight electric skateboard that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, and is only let down by its short range on a single charge.

        • Bright LED lights
        • Ergonomic controller with wrist strap
        • Incline feature is extremely useful
        • Wheels don’t have much grip
        • Short charge

          This is probably the most technologically advanced electric skateboard. It isn’t just motorized but it comes packed with a variety of auxiliary components that are helping push skateboards into the 21st century. The Action Blink S generally felt like riding on any other skateboard. But it really shined with its unique electronic features.

          The most appealing aspect was its 15-degree angle incline rate. You can effortlessly ride up hills with this board. Most electric skateboards can do this but require much more speed or energy to do so. You don’t even need to approach the 15mph max speed to do this with the Blink S. A steady and slower speed of let’s say half of that was more than enough.

           Action Blink S

          The LED lights are another welcome addition. It’s probably due to saving on battery life. but it’s still a worthy trade-off. Riding one of these things in the evening is more fun than in the daytime as there are fewer people or vehicles out and about. This makes the inclusion of LED lights all the more essential.

           Action Blink S

          It’s only 10 pounds which is noticeably lighter than 15 pounds or so. Unfortunately, the Blink S has a very limited charge and can only go 7 miles before needing to be plugged in, which is disappointing since it is so much fun to ride.


          Affordability: 3/5. It doesn’t have the highest quality basic components, such as the wheels or the board itself, but the extra electronics do go a long way to set it apart from the rest of the competition.

          Reliability: 4/5. The incline feature is extremely reliable and makes this board a great choice if you live around steep hills. The lightweight nature of the Action Blink S also helps a lot.

          Durability: 3/5. This was designed with transportation in mind over tricks and sports. It’ll get you from point A to point B but I don’t think it is strong enough to handle much more than that in terms of tricks.




          Alouette Phoenix Ryders Electric Skateboard

          Alouette Phoenix Ryders provides an affordable electric skateboard that can’t quite compete with the other models’ performance.


          • Beginner and intermediate friendly
          • Excellent balance
          • 6 layers of wood instead of the usual 4 or 5
          • Cool looking logo
          • Only weighs 10 pounds
          • Quick 2-hour charge
          • Disappointing max speed
          • Flimsy remote control
          • Braking and acceleration could be smoother 


            The last board has the most unique shape on today’s list. It has specially rounded ends and a dual motor set up for a total of 700w. Plus it has a cool logo on the upper side that makes it look like it’s owned by a member of a prestigious sports team. This is Alouette’s Phoenix Ryders.

            The Alouette’s total length spans two and a half feet, easily making it the longest board on this list. But it’s also thicker than you’d expect. Six layers of maple and bamboo comprise the deck, which is actually very high quality for this price.

            Because the wheels are so far apart and because the edges are smaller and rounded, the balance is quite impressive. It’s a little hard to explain but it simultaneously feels lightweight and also secure. Turning requires much less effort than expected with or without remote control usage. The wheels aren’t gripped but the back wheels are heavy which adds to the sensation of feeling well planted.

             Alouette Phoenix Ryders Electric Skateboard

            The underside places the motor in a well thought out spot. It doesn’t feel too noticeable beneath your feet as motors often do. Plus it was laid in the center of the board to not offset the delicate balance the entire structure achieves. It’s even less noticeable than smaller motors that are too close to one side of the edge.

            Similarly to the Action Blink S, the Alouette also has a 15-degree incline climbing feature. It works just about as well but I thought it would have been a different experience with having slightly more power and a very different overall board design and wheel placement.

            The max speed is only 12mph which is surprising given the 700w of power but Alouette had to sacrifice speed for balance and stabilization, a common occurrence in this price range.

            FINAL THOUGHTS

            Affordability: 4/5. 700 watts and 6 layers of wood is already a great value for the asking price. Add the 15-degree incline climbing and the smart design of the board’s shape and you’ve got yourself a winner.

            Reliability: 3.5/5. The brakes aren’t too good even on flat surfaces, but luckily the Alouette doesn’t go too fast in the first place.

            Durability: 3.5/5. The board itself is very sturdy and thick and has great grip. The remote control and the front wheels could have been stronger but that’s inexpensive skateboards for you.



            Perhaps you’ve noticed a running trend across all five of these electric skateboards: sacrifice. That’s the nature of cheaper products. If they were great at everything then they wouldn’t only cost $300-500. But this list was necessary to make because people should realize that as long as you prioritize your needs, whether they be brakes or portability or battery life, there is a cheap skateboard out there that can satisfy you.

            We are confident that at least one board on this list can accommodate the majority of people working on a budget. We hope you’ve learned a thing or two about electric skateboards and I hope you find one that matches you and your needs.


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